workshop Description
HackCieux helps enterprises reduce the security risks by testing their web based applications and networks from new security threats. An ethical hacking exercise on your website to make it hack proof. Don't let hackers deface your website & damage your reputation.If you are attacked, we will help you to protect from that attack.HackCieux Training Team presents its experience and expertise in the form of advanced offensive training workshop.

How its done !!!
HackCieux makes it possible now to reach you with in your college or university in via our academic engagements.
One Day Workshop
Instructor led hands-on Workshop
8 hours
Number of Trainers: Minimum 2
7:3 Practical Theory Ratio
Course Contents
Expand each toggles to see the TOC in details.Introduction to Cyber Security
- Importance of Information Security
- Introduction to the Hackers and Hacking Terminologies
- Communities and Types of Hackers
- Cyber Law & Ethics Steganography
- key Loggers & Windows Login Bypass Conclusion
Basic of Web Technology
- Introduction to evolving technologies
- Network Technology
o IP addressing
o Ports
o Proxy Servers
o Nat
- Web Technology Conclusion
Information Gathering
- Digital Finger Print
- Who-IS Search Search Engines
- People Search Website Scanners
- Web Archive
E-Mail Attacks and Security
- Phishing, Spear-Phishing, Desktop Phishing Attacks
- Social Engineering Techniques IDN Homograph Attack
- Fake Mails Email Header Analysis
- IP Address Tracking
Malware Illustration
- Introduction to Malwares β Virus, Worms & Trojans
- Trojans β Types of Trojans RAT β Create Trojan
- Anti-Virus Evasion Trojan Reverse Connection
- Identify & Remove Trojans from the System
Mobile Security
- Introduction to Security Architecture of Mobile Platforms
- VoIP Calls Android Exploitation Framework
- Security Countermeasures
- Call, Sms Spoofing
Google Dorks
- Use Google as Hacking Tool
- Advanced Operators of Google and Google Dorks
- Find Vulnerable websites using Google
- Find Target Networks using Google
- Shodan: Browsers to find Systems & Scanners
Live website hacking
- Roll of Google dork
- Admin panel login using Blind Sql Injection
- Getting Database using Havij
- Conclusion
Wireless Network Hacking
- Cracking Wi-Fi of wep authentication
- Cracking Wi-Fi of wpa authentication
- Cracking Wi-Fi WPA2 authentication
- Securing wireless network
Reverse Engineering
- How Software Registration works
- Concept of Ollydbg Cracking any Pro Software
- Data Hiding
- Data Binding Data Retrieving
Concept of Meterpreter Shell
- Introduction
- Concept of NMAP Concept of MSFCONSOLE
- Gaining access of any System
Social Network Hacking
- Facebook Hacking
- Gmail Hacking Yahoo Mail Hacking
- Whatsapp Hacking
- After Successfully completion of our One Day Training Programme you will provided our HackCieux Certified Cyber Security Expert Grade 1 (HCCCSE Grade 1) Certificate.